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Posts from December 2023

Posts from December 2023

Staff Love Offering

We would like to show our appreciation to our wonderful staff this Christmas for helping us through another challenging year. If you’d like to contribute to a love offering to be shared among them, please make your contribution through our website and earmark it Staff Love Offering, or you can give it directly to Alice Carroll or Tom Gray this Sunday or next. Please join us in thanking them by making a contribution today!


Claire will need help putting out the luminaries on the 21st of this month. She would like to begin at 3PM. Anyone is welcome to help. If there is heavy rain, this will be cancelled; however, if it is just light rain, setting up will continue.

Children’s Christmas Luncheon

Children of all ages are welcome to attend the Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, December 17 immediately following Meeting for Worship. Enjoy a meal of pasta and salad, and stay for a special surprise guest who is super jolly (Hint: Ho! Ho! Ho!). Bring a dessert to share with Friends and let’s enjoy this time of fellowship!

Leslie’s House Gift Bags

Please contact Lisa Allen (336-259-1940) asap if you are able to donate 24 small items for gift bags. We have candy, toothpaste/ toothbrushes and hand lotions. We could use emery boards, combs, soap, etc. by December 7th.