Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 23)
Coordinating Committee
There will be a Coordinating Committee on Tuesday, October 8th, beginning at 7p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Fall BBQ
The Fall BBQ will be Saturday, October 12th, at Deep River Friends Meeting.
The CROP Walk for Hunger will be next Sunday afternoon, September 22nd. Registration begins at 2p.m. and the walk begins at 3p.m.
Spiritual Formation / Contemplative Prayer Group
Scott will be leading a six-week Spiritual Formation / Contemplative Prayer Group through October and November.
NC Quaker Men Banquet
The North Carolina Quaker Men will have their Fall Banquet on September 30th at 6:00p.m.
Chicken Pie Day
Chicken Pie Day is coming up on Saturday, September 28th.
High Point Interfaith Tour
On Sunday, September 22nd, Deep River Friends will be part of the High Point Interfaith Tour.
Mark Your Calendars
Mark Your Calendars for three important dates.
Birthday Celebration
Friends of Joe Gamble are invited to his 90th birthday celebration on Saturday, September 14th at Centennial Station in High Point beginning at 6 p.m.
Finance Committee
Finance Committee will have a meeting on Tuesday, September 10, beginning at 7 p.m.