Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 37)
Summer Reminders
Summer is upon us and with folks traveling our schedule at Deep River Friends slows down (ie, meetings, etc). We want to remind you and update you on some areas.
Ministry and Counsel
The next meeting of Ministry and Counsel will be next Tuesday, July 24, beginning at 7 p.m.
Ministry and Counsel Members
July 1 is the beginning of the new “Committee Year” so it’s important to introduce you to your Ministry and Counsel members.
Monthly Meeting Officers
Your Monthly Meeting officers for the following year are – (Clerk) Tom Gray, (Asst. Clerk), Nathan Porter, (Recording Clerk), Clarissa Porter.
Special Speaker at New Garden Friends
On Friday, July 13th, Diane Randall will be speaking at New Garden Friends Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting for Business
This Thursday evening will be our regular Monthly Meeting for Business.
Greeter / Visitation Team Meetings
This Tuesday, there will be a meeting of the newly formed Greeter Team and Visitation Team.
Vacation Bible School
June 24 is the beginning of Vacation Bible School at Deep River Friends.
Ministry and Counsel
Ministry and Counsel will meet this Tuesday evening at Mi Pueblo’s restaurant beginning at 6:30PM.
Deep River Friends Scholarship
The Scholarship Committee is presently receiving applications for the 2018-2019 school year. All applications need to be turned in by July 15th.