Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 42)
Couple’s Tune Up
The next “Couple’s Tune Up” monthly gathering will be Thursday, March 15th.
Monthly Meeting for Business
This coming Thursday is our regular Monthly Meeting for Business.
DREAM Kids Activity
The DREAM (Deep River Elementary Age Ministry) kids will be looking forward to their Egg Hunt / Kite Flying on Sunday afternoon, March 25 (Palm Sunday).
DRYP Fellowship
Next Middle School / High School Youth Fellowship will be Sunday, March 18th at 5PM.
Guest Speaker Next Sunday
The guest speaker will be Deborah Suess. Deborah is a recorded Friends minister and was recently the pastoral minister at First Friends Greensboro.
Hawley Baby Shower
A Baby Shower is being offered for Blair and Lee’s new “baby on the way” but in lieu of gifts for them, they would like to have items donated to agencies for under-resourced mothers and babies.
Quaker Women
Deep River Quaker Women will be meeting this Thursday, March 1st, at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall. All women of the meeting are invited and welcome to attend.
NC Peace Resource Center
NC Peace Resource Center will be meeting this Thursday, March 1st, at Jamestown Friends Meeting to discuss the upcoming Alternatives to Violence Workshop. There will be a potluck dinner at 6PM followed by a meeting from 7PM-8PM. All are invited and welcome to attend.
Spring BBQ
Tickets for the Spring BBQ are not printed and ready for sale / purchase. The Spring BBQ is scheduled for Saturday, March 10 from 5PM-7PM. Cost of the tickets are $10 for Adults and $4 for children 12 and under. We need help selling tickets so pick up a few from Quaker Men. You can return your money to Keith Dillon, Treasurer of Quaker Men.
Fall Festival
Fall Festival begins at 5 p.m. Oct. 29. All are welcome.