Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 44)
Fall Yard Sale
The Fall Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, October 7.
The Annual CROP Walk for Hunger will be this coming Sunday, September 24.
Fall BBQ
The Fall BBQ is coming up on Saturday, October 14.
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Red Cross will be holding a Blood Drive at Deep River Friends on Thursday, September 28.
NCFF Meeting
The North Carolina Fellowship of Friends will have their next meeting on Saturday, September 23.
Congrats Thomas Crocker
A big “Congrats!” to Thomas Crocker who was recently awarded his Eagle Scout medal and badge.
BBQ Tickets
BBQ tickets are now available through the office for purchase or to sell.
Helping Houston Fund
A big “thanks” to everyone that has donated to our “Helping Houston” fund.
Missions Ice Cream Social
The Missions Committee will be sponsoring an Ice Cream Social next Sunday, Sept. 17 at 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
The CADRE Group (College Age Deep River Encouragers) is looking for a few more folks to “adopt” a college student.