Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 46)
Nursery Volunteers
A big thanks to everyone who signed up for serve in the Nursery for the next quarter.
Wedding Shower
The Meeting is invited to a wedding shower given by the Quaker Women for Jessica Jones and Matthew Christy on August 13 from 2-4 p.m.
Flowers and Food
If you’re signed up to provide flowers for Sunday morning, you can also provide a basket of food in lieu of flowers.
Brittany Varner to be recorded Aug. 5
Brittany Varner, director of student ministries, will be Recorded Aug. 5 at 7 p.m.
Leslie’s House
Volunteers are needed to serve the evening dinner for Leslie’s House on Tuesday, Aug. 8.
NCYM Annual Sessions
The North Carolina Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions will be at Quaker Lake from August 4-6. If you would like to attend all or some of the sessions, see Scott for more information.
Wedding Shower
On Sunday, July 23 from 2-4 p.m., there will be a wedding shower in the Fellowship Hall for Autumn Edwards and Chandler Solomon. Friends are invited to join them in this celebration. Autumn and Chandler will be married at Deep River Friends Meeting on September 30th.
Deep River’s new prayer request system is here. You’ll like it.
Members and attenders of Deep River Friends Meeting can now submit prayer requests online at Click to learn more about how to submit a request and subscribe to daily email notifications.
Deep River Friends Meeting Scholarship
Deep River Friends Meeting Scholarship – The Deep River Friends Meeting Scholarship is receiving applications for scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year. Both Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible. Applications need to be in to the office by July 15th.
Scott to FUM Triennials
Scott to Friends United Meeting Triennials – This coming week (Monday-Saturday) Scott will be attending the Friends United Meeting Triennial Sessions in Wichita, Kansas. He will be speaking once at a pre-retreat on Wednesday morning (Stoking the Fire) and leading a workshop on Thursday at the Triennial Sessions. He will be back Saturday afternoon.