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Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 48)

Posts by Deep River Friends Meeting (Page 48)

Phone / Address Directories

Phone / Address Directories – The new phone / address directories are now available. You can pick up a copy in the Fellowship Hall or as you leave the meeting room. Please let us know if there are any corrections. We will print those in the weekly worship bulletin so folks can make changes in their address book.

Memorial Sunday

Memorial Sunday – Our Annual Memorial Sunday will be Sunday, June 11, during our 11:00 a.m. meeting for worship. Our guest speaker will be Kelly Kellum. Kelly is the former pastor at High Point Friends and now works on behalf of Friends United Meeting in the area of stewardship and development. After meeting for worship, there will be a short business meeting of the Memorial Association followed by a carry in meal in the Fellowship Hall.

Hot Dog Roast

Hot Dog Roast – June 9 – For years, our much beloved John and Jennie Thornton held a Hot Dog Roast at their home in June. Since their passing, we want to carry on the tradition of this time of fellowship. We’ll have the “Thornton / Deep River Friends Hot Dog Roast” on Friday, June 9, here at Deep River Friends. We’ll begin at 6:00 p.m. All you need to bring is your lawn chair, a dessert to share, and…

Phone / Address Directories

The new phone / address directories are now available. You can pick up a copy in the Fellowship Hall or as you leave the meeting room. Please let us know if there are any corrections. We will print those in the weekly worship bulletin so folks can make changes in their address book.

Spring Yard Sale

The Deep River Friends Spring Yard Sale will be on Saturday, May 13th, from 7AM-11AM. If you would like more information, please see Susie Jones. The Special Olympics of High Point will also be having a car wash on that Saturday in the meetinghouse parking lot.

Monthly Meeting for Business – May 2017

Monthly Meeting for Business – Month of May – Please make a note in your calendar that our regular May Monthly Meeting for business will be on Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 p.m. This will be our regular May meeting which is usually held on the second Thursday of each month.

Pancake Supper – Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser

Thomas Crocker will be having a Pancake Supper here at Deep River Friends Meeting on Friday evening, April 28, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.. Thomas is raising money for his Eagle Scout project which will consist of building ten benches for Quaker Lake Camp. We’re proud of our Eagle Scouts at Deep River Friends so come on out and support Thomas and his project!

Graduation Sunday

Graduation Sunday – Graduation Sunday will be May 21st. May 7th is the deadline for Graduation Sunday pictures and 3 songs. Also, please let Brittany know the graduates that are planning on being a part of that Sunday. We need to know who will be graduating so that we can get their gifts and plan for their materials.

Food Collection – DREAM/DRYP

Food Collection / DREAM and DRYP – Our student ministry is collecting food to place on the offering table in the meeting room for Sunday, April 23rd. All DREAM and DRYP students and families are encouraged to bring food items for Sunday, April 23rd. Thanks!