News (Page 15)
Easter Sunrise Service
Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast 6:30 am. Meeting for Worship 11:00 a.m. (no Sunday School)
Quaker Lake Scholarships
Missions Committee is offering scholarships to kids for Quaker Lake this year. Please contact Kat Smith at 484-883-5506 if you are interested.
Spring BBQ
The Quaker Men are having their BBQ this coming Saturday, March 19th. They will be serving from 5PM-7PM.
Mad Hatter’s Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 10. Mark your calendars for an “egg”-citing afternoon for the children! Families are invited for a light lunch and egg hunt following Meeting for worship on Palm Sunday.
Graduation Sunday
If you have a graduating student from high school, college or graduate school, please e-mail Stephanie Edgerton-Dean to let her know.
Weekday Bible Study
Weekday Bible Study will begin in late March: Friends, Don will begin offering a weekday Bible study in late March.
Deep River Spring BBQ
Deep River Friends Meeting will hold its Spring BBQ March 19 from 5-7 p.m. at 5300 W. Wendover Avenue in High Point.
Monthly Meeting for Business
Monthly Meeting for Business will be held on January 9th at 7:00PM. There will be in-person and online access. All are welcome to attend. The Zoom link will be published on the 8th and 9th.
Quaker Women
Quaker Women will hold their monthly meeting for business on Thursday, 1/6/2022 @ 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All women of the meeting are invited and encouraged to attend.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Deep River Friends will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, January 19, 2021 from 2-6pm. Please call the Meeting office to sign up.