News (Page 16)
Claire Wilson will be putting luminaries out on Dec 21 (set up) 22,23,24 (lighting candles) starting @ 4 pm each day. Volunteers greatly appreciated. Claire can be reached at 336-688-4067.
Christmas Cards
“The Deep River Friends’ Post Office for Christmas cards will be set up in the fellowship hall Sunday, November 28 through the end of 2021.
Staff Love Offering
Friends, our staff work diligently to care for our Meeting. This time of year we like to show our appreciation and love for that work in the form of a special offering.
Christmas Caroling
Everyone is welcome to meet at Deep River at 4 pm Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) to go Christmas caroling.
Quaker Women seeks items for virtual bake sale
If you’d like to submit baked items for this virtual auction, please use the form found here.
Shut-in List
Please take note of the shut-in list, there have been some address changes and an addition. Cards and letters of well wishes are always appreciated. Thank you.
Special Collection
There will be a special collection on October 31st that Christian Ed and Missions have been working on to collect for an international Bat rescue group (BCI).
Trunk or Treat
Get ready for a “Soup”er Spookier Truck-or-Treat on Oct. 24th. Decorating to start at 4:30pm and this year we would like to invite all to stick around after the trunks close to have your tastebuds scared with delights from our cauldrons and your imaginations put on edge with spooky stories around the campfire. More details to come as the date gets closer.
Quaker Women Bake Sale
Mark your Calendars now for these upcoming event: November 13-19— Quaker Women will be having a reprise of their successful Spring event … the Virtual Bake Sale.! Keep your eye out for this tasty opportunity.
Founders Day
Deep River Friends Meeting will be celebrating our 267th year on November 7th. Our guest speaker will be Shawn Rogers, Director Mendenhall Homeplace. Celebrate with us!