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News (Page 17)

News (Page 17)


“Sheltered” will be performing at Deep River Friends Meeting on Friday, October 15 at 6:30PM. They will be joined by the gospel group, Second Chance Bluegrass.

Giving Tree

Missions Committee is collecting requests for the Giving Tree. If you know of a family that would otherwise not be able to have Christmas please contact Kat Smith today, at the latest, at 484-883-5506.

Crop Walk

This year’s Crop Walk is coming up September 19th. If you are interested in being a part of our walk team please reach out to Susie Jones.

Sunday Flowers

The calendar for Sunday flowers volunteers has been posted. If you feel led to place an arrangement for any Sunday service, please write your name and occasion on the hall calendar or notify Susie Jones at 336-688-5050.