News (Page 20)
DREAM Dr. Seuss Party
The DREAM (Deep River Elementary Age Ministry) will have a Dr. Seuss Party next Sunday (March 1).
Deep River Quaker Men
The Quaker Men will meet next Sunday (February 16) at 7:30AM in the Fellowship Hall for their regular meeting. Breakfast will be served.
Christian Education Committee
The Christian Education Committee will be meeting Wednesday at 6:30PM.
Silent / Contemplative Worship
Beginning this Wednesday, we will be offering a 30 minute (6:45PM – 7:15PM) silent / contemplative worship experience in the office area.
Monthly Meeting for Business
This Thursday will be our regular Monthly Meeting for Business beginning at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall. All meeting members are invited and welcome to participate.
Lenten Retreat
“Following Jesus” – Scott will be offering and leading a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, February 29th, from 9:30AM – 3:00PM. It will be held at Sylvan Pathways (just about 10 minutes from Deep River Friends).
Belize Fundraising Dinner
On Saturday, February 22, there will be a dinner at Deep River Friends to raise funds for the ongoing operating expenses of the Belize Friends School in Belize City.
Quaker Women Secret Pal
Our Quaker Women have a Secret Pal Ministry in which they send monthly cards of encouragement to assigned folks in our meeting.
Couple’s Tune-Up
The Couple’s Tune-Up group will meet this Thursday at 7:00PM.
Quaker Men
The Deep River Quaker Men will have their first meeting of 2020 next Sunday (January 19th) in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 7:30AM.