News (Page 21)
Flowers for Sunday
If you would like to place flowers either in honor or memory of someone for our 11AM meeting for worship, there is a “Sign-Up Calendar” on the bulletin board just outside the Fellowship Hall.
Red Cross Blood Drive
There will be a Red Cross Blood Drive this Wednesday from 2:00PM – 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Belize Fundraising Meal and Meeting
In our December Monthly Meeting For Business, it was approved to hold a fundraising dinner at Deep River Friends Meeting to help raise funds for the Belize Friends School monthly operating expenses.
Bridal Shower for Cameron Green
The Deep River Quaker Women are giving Cameron Green a bridal shower on Sunday, January 12 in the fellowship hall.
There is a need for additional Greeters each Sunday. Please contact Denna Kemp at 336-886-2764, if you would like to join the team.
Offering Envelopes
If you use Offering Envelopes for your Sunday contribution, they are now available.
Camp Out for Hunger
The annual Camp Out For Hunger will be November 18-23 and this year the goal is 25,000 pounds!
Mark Your Calendars
Mark your Calendars now for these upcoming experiences and events.
Deep River Community Thanksgiving Worship
The Deep River Community Thanksgiving Worship will be Tuesday, November 26th, at Deep River Friends Meeting beginning at 7PM.
Quaker Men
The Deep River Quaker Men will be meeting next Sunday (November 17) beginning at 7:30AM in the Fellowship Hall.