News (Page 22)
Monthly Meeting for Business
This Thursday will be our regular Monthly Meeting for Business beginning at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Fall Festival / Trunk-or-Treat
The Deep River Friends Meeting Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat will be next Sunday (October 27) beginning at 4:00PM.
NCYM, Inc. Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Inc will be Saturday, November 2nd, at Quaker Lake Camp.
Founders Day
Mark Sunday, November 3rd on your calendars. That will be our annual Founders Day worship and celebration.
Fall Festival / Trunk-or-Treat
The Deep River Fall Festival for the kids as well as the Trunk or Treat will be the afternoon of Sunday, October 27th. Beginning time TBA.
Camp Out for Hunger
Mark your calendars for November 18-23 – that will be our annual Camp Out for Hunger as we gather donations of food for area food pantries.
All-Meeting Work Day
There will be an All-Meeting Work Day on Saturday, October 26th.
Quaker Lake Pumpkin Festival
The Quaker Lake Pumpkin Festival will be Saturday, October 19, from 3-7p.m. at Quaker Lake Camp.
Monthly Meeting for Business
Our regular Monthly Meeting for Business will be this coming Thursday in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 7p.m.
Coordinating Committee
There will be a Coordinating Committee on Tuesday, October 8th, beginning at 7p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.