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News (Page 51)

News (Page 51)

Spring BBQ & Tickets

Mark your calendars for March 11 because that’s the date for our Spring BBQ. Tickets are now available for purchase or sale. If you are willing and able to sell tickets, please see Keith Dillon.

NC Peace Resource

The next meeting is scheduled for February 28 at Jamestown Friends Meeting. The group will share a potluck dinner at 6:00 p.m. and have business meeting at 7:00 p.m. Topics – we’ll be discussing working with The Alternatives to Violence Program, a community-based peace program ( All are welcome to attend!

Flowers and Food

Don’t forget, if you are signed up to provide flowers for Sunday morning, you can also provide a basket of food in lieu of flowers. On Monday, we’ll take the basket of food and donate it to “Hand to Hand Pantry”. Bonita Schaal is also coordinating an opportunity for friends to give their loose change (and dollars) throughout the month and she will use that to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables for “Hand to Hand” Pantry.

Leslie’s House

If you or a group of you are able to prepare and deliver food to Leslie’s House for their evening meal (second Tuesday evening of each month), the sign up sheet is on the bulletin board just outside the Fellowship Hall. Volunteers are needed for the next few months.

NCYM Mid-Year Gathering

The next gathering of North Carolina Yearly Meeting will be their Mid-Year Gathering scheduled for Saturday, March 4 at Quaker Lake Camp beginning at 10:00 a.m. The main business will focus on the ongoing reorganization of North Carolina Yearly Meeting. This meeting is open to anyone if you would like to attend and participate in the conversation. See Scott if you have any questions.

Benefit Dinner Thanks

A big thanks to Larry Henning for organizing last night’s benefit dinner for Amber. A big thanks to everyone who participated through setting up, cooking, and cleaning up. And a special big thanks to everyone that contributed financially toward’s Amber’s medical bills.

Spring BBQ and Tickets

Mark your calendars for March 11 because that’s the date for our Spring BBQ. Tickets are now available for purchase or sale. If you are willing and able to sell tickets, please see Keith Dillon.

2016 Giving Statements

2016 Giving Statements have been mailed out. If you are expecting one but did not receive one, please contact the meeting office at 336-454-1928 or at