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News (Page 8)

News (Page 8)

Quaker Men Fall BBQ

Tickets are available for our October 14th Barbeque. $12 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. Please see Dwight Osborne for tickets or call the office at 336- 454-1928. Get yours now!

Red Cross Blood Drive

Deep River Friends Meeting will host a blood drive on Wednesday, September 27th from 2PM-6PM. Please think about donating to the cause. Call the office for more information at 336-454-1928.

Deep River Yard Sale

The Deep River Friends Community Yard Sale will be held Saturday, Sept. 16 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Deep River Friends Meeting (5300 W. Wendover Avenue). The yard sale will help feed the hungry.

Registration is Open!

The North Carolina Fellowship of Friends 2023 Annual Gathering ” Building Community”, will commence on Saturday, September 9th at 8:30AM until 3:00PM, at Quaker Lake in Climax, NC.

Say Cheese!

In an effort to provide Philip with an up-to-date contact registry, Dacia Osborne will be asking each of you (individuals and couples) to smile for her camera.