News (Page 9)
Thornton Hot Dog Roast
The Thornton Hot Dog Roast will be July 22 at 6 p.m. Drinks and hot dogs and fixings will be furnished. Folks are asked to bring desserts, sides or chips.
Philip Raines to serve as Deep River Friends Meeting’s next pastor
Beginning July 1, 2023, Phillip Raines will become the new Pastor at Deep River Friends Meeting.
A Dedication Ceremony
The new Interpretive Display depicting the African American Burial Ground in the Deep River Cemetery will be commemorated with a dedication ceremony next Sunday, June 25 at 3:00PM.
Jamaica Vacation Bible School Supplies
Jamaica Vacation Bible School Supplies – List of needed supplies: Washcloths, Pens—300, Notepads—300, Small soap, shampoo—
300, toothpaste, toothbrush—300.
On Hiatus
Both Quaker Women and Quaker Men are on hiatus until September.
New Office Email
Going forward, please direct all office email correspondence to Thank you.
Meals for the Dodson Family
As our friend Sloan heals let’s take some of the load off her and the family by making 2 meals a week. The servings will need to feed no more than 4 adults.
Special Announcement
Phillip Raines has accepted the call to become the next pastor at Deep River Friends Meeting. He will officially begin July 1st.
Memorial Sunday
The annual meeting of the Deep River Friends Memorial Association will be held on Sunday, June 11, 2023, at the rise of worship.
Meet and Greet for Philip Raines
All are invited to a Meet and Greet for Philip Raines, pastoral candidate, during the 11:00 Worship Hour on Sunday, April 30.