News (Page 11)
Graduation Sunday
Please let Stephanie Edgerton-Dean know if you have a high school senior graduating this year, college student or graduate school student who either has graduated at the end of 2022 or will be graduating in the Spring of 2023.
Quaker Lake Women’s Retreat
The Quaker Lake Women’s Retreat is back! Just us for a day of worship, relaxation and fellowship on March 4th.
Souper Bowl Challenge
We are participating in the Souper Bowl Challenge this year! Please bring in canned goods and other foods to fill our containers and eventually Susie’s vehicle.
Soup and Salad Supper at Parkwood Baptist
Parkwood Baptist has invited us to their Soup and Salad Supper followed by a concert by the Sheltered Quartet.
Office Hour Changes
Beginning in the new year, the Meeting office hours will change. Click to learn more.
Employee Brunch
January 8th, we will be celebrating our staff for all their hard work this past year. We will have a carry-in breakfast/brunch at 10:00AM in the Fellowship Hall.
Family Christmas Party
Come join us at the Rise of Meeting on December 18th.
Christmas Caroling
December 24th. We would love for you to join us in our over 90-year tradition of Christmas Eve Caroling.
Please make yourself available to help Claire put out the luminaries on Thursday and/or Friday, December 22nd and/or December 23rd at 4:00PM.
Staff Love Offering
Please put your love offering in the offering plate or designate “Staff Christmas” when you give online.