News (Page 14)
Sunday Flowers
Thank you to those of you who have already picked your Sundays. However, volunteers are always needed to provide flowers for our Sunday services, please insert your name and the occasion on the Flower Calendar by the back entrance or notify Susie Jones at 336-688-5050.
Quaker Men
Quaker Men will hold their June meeting on Sunday, June 19th at 7:30AM in the fellowship hall.
Sheltered Quartet
Parkwood Baptist Church, June 11th, 2022. All are welcome!
John & Jennie Thornton Annual Hot Dog Roast
John & Jennie Thornton Annual Hot Dog Roast will be held June 10 at 6 p.m. at the Shelter.
Monthly Meeting for Business
The next Monthly Meeting for Business will be this Thursday, May 12th. All meeting members / attenders are welcome and encouraged to participate. It will begin at 7:00PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Deep River Friends Meeting will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive from 2:00PM – 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, June 8th.
Memorial Sunday
June 5th will be our annual Memorial Sunday. We take time in our worship to honor and recognize those that have been laid to rest in the Deep River Friends Meeting cemetery.
Elections, May 17
A reminder that on May 17th our Fellowship Hall will be occupied most of the day as a polling center for local elections.
Quaker Lake Scholarships
Missions Committee is offering scholarships to kids for Quaker Lake this year. Please contact Kat Smith at 484-883-5506 if you are interested.
Graduation Sunday
If you have a graduating student from high school, college or graduate school, please e-mail Stephanie Edgerton-Dean ( to let her know the student’s name, high school name and/or college/graduate school name — along with the degree and discipline they will be completing.