News (Page 20)
Memorial Sunday
Deep River Friends will have its annual Memorial Sunday on June 6th.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Deep River Friends will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, June 9th, from 2:00PM – 6:30PM.
Ministry & Counsel Meeting
Deep River Friends Ministry & Counsel will meet this Tuesday at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Ministry and Counsel
Ministry & Counsel will meet this week on Tuesday at 7PM.
Spring BBQ
Our Spring BBQ will is coming up on Saturday, March 14th, from 5PM – 7PM.
DREAM Dr. Seuss Party
The DREAM (Deep River Elementary Age Ministry) will have a Dr. Seuss Party next Sunday (March 1).
Deep River Quaker Men
The Quaker Men will meet next Sunday (February 16) at 7:30AM in the Fellowship Hall for their regular meeting. Breakfast will be served.
Christian Education Committee
The Christian Education Committee will be meeting Wednesday at 6:30PM.
Silent / Contemplative Worship
Beginning this Wednesday, we will be offering a 30 minute (6:45PM – 7:15PM) silent / contemplative worship experience in the office area.
Monthly Meeting for Business
This Thursday will be our regular Monthly Meeting for Business beginning at 7PM in the Fellowship Hall. All meeting members are invited and welcome to participate.