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News (Page 21)

News (Page 21)

Lenten Retreat

“Following Jesus” – Scott will be offering and leading a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, February 29th, from 9:30AM – 3:00PM. It will be held at Sylvan Pathways (just about 10 minutes from Deep River Friends).

Quaker Men

The Deep River Quaker Men will have their first meeting of 2020 next Sunday (January 19th) in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 7:30AM.

Flowers for Sunday

If you would like to place flowers either in honor or memory of someone for our 11AM meeting for worship, there is a “Sign-Up Calendar” on the bulletin board just outside the Fellowship Hall.


There is a need for additional Greeters each Sunday. Please contact Denna Kemp at 336-886-2764, if you would like to join the team.