News (Page 25)
Outreach to College Students
Looking for a way to serve? Join the College Age Deep River Experience (CADRE) card ministry to support our college students.
USFW Annual Gathering
USFW Annual Gathering will meet Saturday August 17 at First Friends in Greensboro.
NCFF Annual Gathering
The North Carolina Fellowship of Friends (NCFF) will meet this coming weekend, August 10th at Quaker Lake for their annual gathering.
Spiritual Formation Group
Scott will be leading a six-week Spiritual Formation Group this Fall around experiencing various prayer practices.
Deep River Quaker Men
The Deep River Quaker Men will meet Sunday morning, August 18, at 7:30a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Monthly Meeting for Business
This Thursday (August 8) will be our next Monthly Meeting for Business.
Taize Worship
This Thursday, August 1st, First Friends Greensboro will be offering a Taizé Worship beginning at 7:30p.m.
Youth Learning / Service Week
August 5-9 is going to be a “Learning / Service” week for our Middle School / High School Youth.
Ministry and Counsel
Our Ministry and Counsel Committee will meet this Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Youth Hiking / Hanging Rock
Next Sunday (July 14th) the Youth Group (Middle School / High School) will be heading to Hanging Rock after meeting for worship for hiking.