News (Page 31)
Celebration of Life / David Jordan
A Celebration for David Jordan will be this Tuesday at Deep River Friends Meeting.
Pizza and a Movie
The youth ( both groups) will have a pizza and movie afternoon on February 24th at 3 p.m.
Basket shower for Meredith Shaw
For the next couple of Sundays we will be doing a basket shower for Meredith Shaw. She is registered at Amazon and Target.
Knit, Purl & Prayer
Kat Smith is forming a new small group around knitting, fellowship, and prayer This first gathering will be Tuesday, February 19th beginning at 7:00PM.
Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
On Saturday, February 16th, from 7-10a.m., there will be a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the Guil-Rand Fire Department in Archdale (10506 South Main Street) to raise funds for Lacy Austin’s Eagle Scout Project.
Search Committee
There is presently an active search for a part-time Director of Youth Ministry for Deep River Friends.
Search Committee
Director of Youth Ministry – The Search Committee for the part-time Director of Youth Ministry met last week for the first time. The search is officially open.
Community Outreach Team
Ministry and Counsel met last week and discussed the idea of forming a group of people willing to meet and brainstorm ideas on how Deep River Friends can develop events and experiences that reach out into the surrounding community and neighborhoods.
Leslie’s House
Deep River Friends has committed to serving dinner on the second Tuesday of every month at Leslie’s House. This is a homeless shelter in High Point for women.
Flower Calendar
There are still Sunday open for the year where you can place flowers in memory or in honor of someone in meeting for worship.