News (Page 34)
Deep River Community Thanksgiving Worship
Mark your calendars now for the Thanksgiving Worship on Tuesday, November 20th, beginning at 7PM.
NCFF Gathering
The North Carolina Fellowship of Friends (NCFF) will be meeting Saturday, November 10th, at Springfield Friends Meeting.
Leslie’s House
The next date to serve dinner at Leslie’s House is Tuesday, November 13th.
Couple’s Tune-Up
The Couple’s Tune-Up Group will meet this Thursday at 7:00PM.
Budget Requests
Finance Committee is working on the 2019 Budget.
Florence Allen Birthday Celebration
Please join us next Sunday (October 28) during the 10AM hour as we celebrate with Florence Allen her birthday.
Fall Festival / Trunk-or-Treat
The Fall Festival / Trunk-or-Treat for our Deep River kids will be Sunday, October 28, beginning at 4PM.
Eagle Scout Honor Ceremony
The meeting is invited to come to the Eagle Scout Honor Ceremony for Christian Austin.
Founders Day
Mark your calendars now for our Founders Day Sunday on November 4th.
Quaker Documentary
Next Sunday (October 21) at 4:00PM there will be a showing of the Quaker documentary, “Quakers: That of God in Everyone”.