News (Page 38)
Greeter / Visitation Team Meetings
This Tuesday, there will be a meeting of the newly formed Greeter Team and Visitation Team.
Vacation Bible School
June 24 is the beginning of Vacation Bible School at Deep River Friends.
Ministry and Counsel
Ministry and Counsel will meet this Tuesday evening at Mi Pueblo’s restaurant beginning at 6:30PM.
Deep River Friends Scholarship
The Scholarship Committee is presently receiving applications for the 2018-2019 school year. All applications need to be turned in by July 15th.
Monthly Meeting for Business
Our next Monthly Meeting for Business will be Thursday, July 12th, beginning at 7:00PM.
Peace Picnic
The North Carolina Peace Resource Center is extending an open invitation to anyone that would like participate in the Peace Picnic to be held at Jamestown Friends Meeting from 5PM-8PM on July 4th.
Choir Summer Break
The choir will be taking a part of the Summer off (July 8 – August 5).
Red Cross Blood Drive
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held this Wednesday (June 20) at Deep River Friends from 2PM-6:30PM.
Couple’s Tune-Up
Couple’s Tune Up will meet this Thursday at 7PM.
NCFF Annual Gathering
NCFF (North Carolina Fellowship of Friends) Annual Gathering will be held on Saturday, August 18th, at Quaker Lake Camp.