News (Page 4)
Father’s Day
June 16th Deep River Friends will have their regular worship service outside under the ‘big tree’ at 11:00am. Please come and celebrate all fathers on this day. You might want to bring your own outdoor seat.
Memorial Sunday
Sunday, June 9, is the date for the annual Deep River Memorial Association service and meeting. A carry-in lunch will be held after the Memorial Association meeting. The luncheon will commence at 12:30 p.m
Little Peace Pantry
Sign up for your weekend (Saturday and Sunday) to give a little peace of mind by filling the Little Free Peace Pantry (Pole Pantry).
Family Movie Night
Saturday, June 29th will be our next “Family Night’. There will be ice cream and a showing of the movie, “Up”.
Graduation Sunday
Please let Stephanie Edgerton-Dean ( know if you have a high school senior graduating this Spring, college student or graduate school student who either has graduated at the end of 2023 or will be graduating in the Spring of 2024 Graduation Sunday will be on Sunday, June 2, 2024.
Quaker Women
Please join the Quaker Women on Thursday, May 2nd at 7:00pm for their monthly meeting. All women are invited to attend.
Quaker Men Banquet
Please join the Quaker Men on Monday, May 6th, at 6:00pm for their annual banquet. It will held in the Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome!
Chicken Pie Day
Chicken Pie Day will be April 20th.
Deep River Friends Mother’s Day Flower Sale
Help support Missions Committee’s outreach while supporting a local business by buying beautiful 6” geraniums for $12 each. The sale will be from April 1-26. You can purchase them online here.
Deep River Friends Yard Sale
Come join us to sell or shop on May 4th from 8am-1pm! Whether you want to find your next treasure or clean out your house, you can know you are helping to stop hunger while you do it!