News (Page 47)
Deep River’s new prayer request system is here. You’ll like it.
Members and attenders of Deep River Friends Meeting can now submit prayer requests online at Click to learn more about how to submit a request and subscribe to daily email notifications.
Deep River Friends Meeting Scholarship
Deep River Friends Meeting Scholarship – The Deep River Friends Meeting Scholarship is receiving applications for scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year. Both Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible. Applications need to be in to the office by July 15th.
Scott to FUM Triennials
Scott to Friends United Meeting Triennials – This coming week (Monday-Saturday) Scott will be attending the Friends United Meeting Triennial Sessions in Wichita, Kansas. He will be speaking once at a pre-retreat on Wednesday morning (Stoking the Fire) and leading a workshop on Thursday at the Triennial Sessions. He will be back Saturday afternoon.
Wedding Shower – July 23
Wedding Shower – July 23 – The Quaker Women are hosting a celebration wedding shower for Chandler Solomon (son of Eddie and Kathy Solomon) and his future bride, Autumn Edwards on Sunday, July 23, 2017 from 2pm-4pm in the Fellowship Hall. They are very excited for their big day to get here at the end of September. Because of Chandler’s deep connection to his beloved youth minister, Lisa Moran, he wanted to return to his roots of Deep River Friends…
Youth Carowinds Trip
The Youth will be taking a trip to Carowinds on Tuesday, July 25. Please let Brittany know by July 16 that you will be going. Also, if you are willing to chaperone, please let Brittany know as well.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School begins next Sunday (June 25) and runs June25- 30. Friday evening will be a program and Hot Dog Supper. Each evening (Sunday-Thursday) there will be games, Bible lessons, stories, crafts, music, and refreshments. The theme is “Lost at Sea”. If you haven’t signed up but would still like to volunteer, please see Susie Jones. VBS will be held this year at Parkwood Baptist Church.
Special Speaker
Next Sunday, June 18, we will have Paul Anderson as a special presenter during our 10 a.m. hour. Paul is a Quaker writer and professor from the northwest. He has written extensively on Quakerism and is the recent author of “Following Jesus,” a book on Quaker faith and practice. Join us for this informative talk on what it means to be Quaker in the 21st Century.
North Carolina Fellowship of Friends
NCFF will be meeting on Thursday, June 15 at 10 a.m. at Forsyth Friends Meeting. NCFF is the association within North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Inc. that Deep River Friends Meeting recently joined. This meeting is open to all members / attenders of Deep River Friends. If you need more information, or have questions, see Scott Wagoner, Quinn Jordan or Dan Moran.
Blood Drive
Deep River Friends Meeting will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, June 21 from 2-6:30 p.m. If you would like to donate, you can call the office at 336-454-1928 and make an appointment. We will also need volunteers that day to help with registration and serving refreshments. If you are available to help, please contact the office by phone or email (
VBS Meeting at Parkwood Baptist
Vacation Bible School – There will be a meeting at Parkwood Baptist Church on June 15 at 6:30 p.m.