News (Page 49)
Pancake Supper – Eagle Scout Project Fundraiser
Thomas Crocker will be having a Pancake Supper here at Deep River Friends Meeting on Friday evening, April 28, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.. Thomas is raising money for his Eagle Scout project which will consist of building ten benches for Quaker Lake Camp. We’re proud of our Eagle Scouts at Deep River Friends so come on out and support Thomas and his project!
Graduation Sunday
Graduation Sunday – Graduation Sunday will be May 21st. May 7th is the deadline for Graduation Sunday pictures and 3 songs. Also, please let Brittany know the graduates that are planning on being a part of that Sunday. We need to know who will be graduating so that we can get their gifts and plan for their materials.
Food Collection – DREAM/DRYP
Food Collection / DREAM and DRYP – Our student ministry is collecting food to place on the offering table in the meeting room for Sunday, April 23rd. All DREAM and DRYP students and families are encouraged to bring food items for Sunday, April 23rd. Thanks!
Pancake Supper Fundraiser
Thomas Crocker will be having a Pancake Supper here at Deep River Friends Meeting on Friday evening, April 28, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.. Thomas is raising money for his Eagle Scout project which will consist of building ten benches for Quaker Lake Camp. We’re proud of our Eagle Scouts at Deep River Friends so come on out and support Thomas and his project!
Monthly Meeting for Business
Monthly Meeting for Business – This Thursday will be our April Monthly Meeting for Business. All members / attenders are invited and welcome to attend. It begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Pilgrims of the Heart Spiritual Exploration Group
Pilgrims of the Heart Spiritual Exploration Group will meet tomorrow (Monday) night at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room downstairs. New folks are always welcome to join us!
New Digging Deeper Book Study
Next Sunday we will start a new conversation / discussion around the book “Soul Keeping” by John Ortberg. The book study is open to anyone in the meeting and we meet at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings in the Fellowship Hall. You can order / purchase the book yourself. If you have any questions, see Scott.
Bridal Shower for Carrie Paz
Quaker Women would like to extend an invitation to all ladies of the meeting to attend a bridal shower for Carrie Paz. The shower is Sunday, April 23 in the fellowship hall from 2-4.Carrie and Justin are registered with Amazon, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond & Traveler’s Joy. They will be getting married on May 6 here at DRFM.
Youth trip to Hanging Rock State Park
A trip for the youth to Hanging Rock State Park is planned for Saturday April 15. They will leave at 10AM and be back at approximately 5PM. Drivers and volunteers are welcome to attend and help with the day. Please see Brittany if you have any questions.
Youth Volunteer / Parent Meeting
Brittany will be offering a Youth Volunteer / Parent meeting on Wednesday, April 12beginning at 6PM. This is intended to bring folks together to think about planning, events, and how parents / volunteers can get involved. See Brittany if you have any questions.