News (Page 56)
Chicken Pie Day
Saturday, Sept. 17 is Chicken Pie Day. Everyone is invited to come out that day to help prepare chicken pies beginning at 8 a.m. This is one of the major fundraisers for Deep River Quaker Women. Also, on Thursday evening, Sept. 15 at 9 a.m. and then again at 7 p.m. there will be preparations for Chicken Pie Day.
Extended Open Worship
Next Sunday, Scott and Lynda will be away visiting Erin and Avery in California. Our 11 a.m. meeting for worship time will be given over to an extended time of open worship and communion after the manner of Friends. Come experience the real Presence of the Living Christ.
Missions Committee Ice Cream Social
On Sunday, Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. the Missions Committee will be sponsoring an ice cream social in the Fellowship Hall to help raise awareness for missions. A representative from High Point Community Against Violence will be on hand to share a few comments about their work. The ice cream is free, but we will be taking a love offering for High Point Community Against Violence. Also, we’ll need ice cream donations! Preferably homemade, but we’ll take whatever you can…
Missions & Ministry Fair
On Sunday, Sept. 11, there will be a “Missions & Ministry Fair” in the Fellowship Hall during the 10 a.m. hour. This will be a time for folks to hear more about the various ways you can be engaged in mission and ministry through Deep River Friends and in our community. Information will be provided that will help folks know more about our own ministry opportunities as well as partnering with community organizations.
Called Monthly Meeting
A reminder that on Thursday, Aug. 25, there will be a called Monthly Meeting for Business at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The only Agenda item will be a discussion on the recent North Carolina Yearly Meeting issues and decisions and its implications for our participation and involvement as a local monthly meeting. all members/attenders are invited and welcome to attend.
Backpack Blessings
Next Sunday, Aug. 28, we’re going to take some time during our 11 a.m. meeting for worship to pray for our children/youth heading back to school and have a “Backpack Blessing.” All kids are invited to bring their backpacks to meeting for worship. They’ll serve as a reminder to us of the school year ahead of them as we pray for them and the school year ahead.
School Supply Drive
We’re presently receiving school supply items to donate to two local elementary schools. We’ll be receiving the items over the next 2-3 weeks. Here is a list of items you can donate: Student Supplies – Pencils, pens, crayons (24 count), zippered pencil pouches, two-pocket folders, composition notebooks, 4×6 note cards, glue sticks, Elmer’s Glue (bottle), scissors, folders with prongs and graphs notebooks. Classroom Needs – Kleenex, hand wipes, hand sanitizers, Ziplock bags (gallon and sandwich sizes), copy paper, dry erase…
Blood Drive Follow-up
Thanks to everyone who either donated blood or refreshments/snacks for the blood drive this past week. We’re grateful that we can partner with the Red Cross in helping to meet the demand for donated blood in the area.
NCYM Annual Sessions
The North Carolina Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions will be this coming weekend (Friday-Saturday) at Caraway Conference Center. It will begin on Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon. Please be in prayer for these annual meetings. The Yearly Meeting will be discerning significant decisions during their business gatherings.
Couple’s Tune-Up
The next “Couple’s Tune-Up will be Thursday, August 18th beginning at 6:30 p.m. All couples in the meeting are invited and welcome to attend. It’s a monthly gathering in which we explore and have a conversation around issues related to relationships and how we can have flourishing marriages and relationships.