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News (Page 57)

News (Page 57)

Blood Drive

Deep River Friends Meeting will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Aug. 3 beginning at 2 p.m. There are sheets to sign up for time slots in the rear entrance of the Fellowship Hall.

NCYM Annual Sessions

The North Carolina Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions will be held Aug. 14-12 at Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, NC. You can either attend as a commuter or stay on-site. Registration forms are available through the office if you would like to attend all or part of the sessions.

Jordan Scholarship applications

The Jordan Scholarship Applications are now available for Undergraduate and Graduate students. The deadline to have them turned back into the office is July 15th. If you need an application, copies can be picked up off the table across from the kitchen, or you can contact the office and have one mailed or emailed to you. This is for the 2016-17 school year.